Sunday, September 18, 2005

ycdtosa at work

It's been more than 10 months since i started to work with the I+D departament at EUPLA. There i've been spending most time working with Javier Cuevas and Joseluis Vela on the design of a new workframe (codenamed elisa) for rewriting the software of the Racing Bravo system.

Not only that but the proper design we came out with did allow us to write the workframe code fast and then (slowly) migrate most of the old code. Even more, Javier coded a new windows client for the Racing Bravo based on elisa, proving one of the core goals of the new design: it works on windows and linux.

Anyhow, now we must go further. All the development team will have to be coding it's own private projects on top of elisa, and access to someone else's is forbiden (weird isn't it).

When I got involved in this project, I proposed the use of subversion for version control. I think most of us find the change from cvs to subversion a step ahead, but now, the new scheme has make working on the common svn repositories some how dificult, and we have to keep local repositories on our own boxes. I find subversion a bit unsuited for this new kind of work...

Now, after much reading around i'm going to try svk. Let's see what happens.

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