Friday, December 01, 2006

so many times ( ii )

just the same but here running a FC4...

yum install subversion doxygen
yum install binutils flex bison gcc gcc-c++ zlib zlib-devel
yum install libtermcap-devel

and then

yum install valgrind

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ccache and cachecc1

do you spend too much time waiting for your compiler to do its work!? maybe these two could help you

I finally decided to use the cachecc1 (instead of ccache) at my debian ( xubuntu ) since i did not want to touch at all my makefile nor to make alias or links of the developer tools.

Both tools seem quite effective, and maybe you feel more comfortable with ccache, but to me cachecc1 archives the gain i was looking for. So far, compiling time has been dropped to 1/3th, which to me, a compulsive "make_all'er" is quite a lot during the day.

The true is that i build the tool, and did NOT work (here at edgy), but i did find a .deb package linked from the cachecc1 page, and it worked out-of-the-box. How nice.

Update: I've compiled, installed and used it a FC4 ( vmware image ) successfully

Friday, November 03, 2006

reading from a serial device

Yes. You just want to peek a view into the incoming serial data. You are looking for a solution (not a problem), it has to be easy, it has to be pain free. You just want to read incoming data from a serial device. It can not be that hard!

and then you google for a while until you find the answer:

apt-get install picocom
picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0

This does the work, quite nice.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

YouTube - dylan and mariscal

Thanks sergio for the link. That said, this is the first song i do hear from the modern time's LP.

Friday, September 29, 2006

woovy groovy

Los Buenos. This was recorded back in 1969.

how come it is so hard to find this kind of bliss?. How is it possible to hide for so long?. Ok. the magic of the radio surfaced this to me. It seems there is a soul compilation called Sensacional Soul with this song and other songs on it.

Hola Hi Hello/ Groovy Woovy. Acción AC-07 (1969)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

firefox vs Debian

There is a nice post about the Firefox / Debian discusion. I do use both of them, and while at my Xubuntu box, it fells awkward clicking the non-firefox icon to launch Firefox. That said, I think both sides are right, and the way i see it, i'm afraid i won't see the Firefox icon on Xubuntu. Even more, Firefox at Debian will not be Firefox anymore

Also, as a side note, i really agree with Adam when he does post this:

# Adam Says: September 28th, 2006 at 12:33 am

Luis > I’m mostly aware of how copyright and TM are different and being used against each other here. AFAICT, it’s pretty much how Mozilla is capable of shipping stuff under the GPL (a copyright license) but still preventing people from exercising the rights the GPL is supposed to grant them. (using TM law)

The point is that Mozilla claims to release Firefox under the GPL (which is DFSG-friendly), but prevents some GPL-granted uses of the work (which is not DFSG-friendly). Therefore Debian will, in a positive step protecting its and its users right to freely modify and redistribute the software in its main archive, either remove Firefox or fork it.

(And I say “prevents” instead of just “threatens” as the threat of unleashing the dogs of law can be almost as bad as actually doing so. I’m not that involved in Debian, but I’m pretty sure that no-one there wants to take things as far as court to find out which way it might go. If a developer wants to take them to court over them using their software, I’m pretty sure they’ll figure it’s not worth it and just drop the package. If the developer doesn’t want you to use their software *that* much, it’s not really Free anyway, is it? Mozilla are effectively preventing Debian from using Firefox.)

so let's just wait to see how Firefox is dropped from Debian, time will tell.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Lyx 1.4.2 at (X)ubuntu taking too long

For several reasons i've need Lyx 1.4.2 on my Ubuntu 6.06 and it is taking too long to get there. so i've googled for a bit, and after some reading i've decided to update by hand.

i've downloaded lyx-1.4.2_1.4.2-1_i386.deb ( thanks ) and instaled it...

dpkg -i lyx-1.4.2_1.4.2-1_i386.deb

it works for me.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Records On Random

A few days ago i did find a fine post/experiment about playing pink floyd's a saucerful of secrets on random.

There are other Records On Random experiments on the site, but since i used to listen PF a lot, i suddenly had the urge to reproduce the experiment, just to find out that the cd player i'm using does not have a "random" buttom (what a pitty), neither do i have a saucerful of secrets on mp3 (again, what a pitty).

The experiment will take more time on my side... however i'm already listening to that record as it was meant to.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

my charts from

ycd's Profile Page
humm.... i'm about to add my last-fm recent track list...
this image is the updated list.

Friday, August 04, 2006

standing on the sand

this was on the 3th day at the beach. Hector and Estrella where about to be 7 months old :-) and they did have a few nice days there

Thursday, July 06, 2006

so many times..

i have done this so many times....

apt-get install subversion doxygen
apt-get install binutils make flex-old bison gcc-4.0 g++ zlib1g zlib1g-dev
apt-get install libncurses5-dev

still takes to much work to figure out the packets from time to time.

and then:

apt-get install valgrind

Update: also in FC4

Thursday, June 29, 2006

FC6 Test1 Screenshots

amazing, really fresh new look.... you can check it yourself at Fedora Core 6 Test1 Screenshots. So i did search a bit about what is behind that logo and the new look. I found the the ideas and a nice slideshow. very interesting stuff.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Valgrind minimal tutorial

I just hit Using Valgrind to Find Memory Leaks -, a very nice article about how to use Valgrind. There is also a quick start guide at valgrind's documentation page.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Some VMware Player images

Maybe you need some VMware Player images in the future. Here a found a few ones, including a FC4 image. Nice site by the way, i like how it looks.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Tracking system performance with SAR | Linux Box Admin

Tracking system performance with SAR | Linux Box Admin: Hum, i needed this so bad. I can not get into many details now, but i'm affraid i'll be using this quite a bit in the following days.